Graphical User Interface

Neon Planar Displays

The GUI has arrived!

Until recently, my range of panaplex clocks needed to have their code compiled for the individual recipient of the clock to set things such as timezone, the times it comes on and goes off and the units that the atmospheric information is displayed in etc.

That has all changed with the introduction of the Web Gui for these clocks. Thanks to the assitance of some gifted individuals – the clocks can now have all their features changed by the user by accessing a web page that the clock generates. 

I have also added a feature whereby a user definable scrolling message can be displayed on most clocks. This is displayed in a rolling sequence that also includes the date and atmosheric information that is read from a BME280 sensor.

The scolling message is of course limited by the  segment displays but all letters are catered for and are designed according to definitions that may be found by internet research.

The single exception to this is the 12 digit SP-252 based clock which uses 16 segment displays driven by Smart Sockets where all upper case letters have been defined to closely resemble their  actual printed form.

This example is from an SP-353 based 6 digit clock and shows the features that are available on most of the different clocks in the range from 3.5 digit up to 15 digits